Workflow actions

Send HTTP request

This Flow Companion action allows you to send HTTP requests to a specified URL and handle the response.


Action Parameters

  • URL (required): The endpoint to which the HTTP request will be sent. You can use variables to dynamically set the URL.
  • Body: The request payload, if applicable. For JSON payloads, you may find it convenient to prepare the data using the Run code action.


  • Method: The HTTP method for the request (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Authentication: The type of authentication for the request. Available options:
    • None: No authentication
    • Basic: Basic authentication using username and password
    • Bearer token: Authentication using a bearer token
    • Custom header: Authentication using a custom header


The action returns the following fields:

  • body: The response body. Can be parsed in a Run code action for structured data processing.
  • ok: Indicates if the request was successful (status in the range 200-299). Can be used in conditions for further response handling.
  • status: The HTTP status code of the response. Can be used in conditions to handle different response scenarios.